最后更新日期:二月. 7, 2020
澳门新濠娱乐开户澳门新濠娱乐开户)致力于保护澳门赌场导航娱乐的澳门新濠娱乐开户社区和游客的隐私. 本私隐声明(以下简称“私隐声明”)的目的声明)是为了告知您澳门赌场导航娱乐的隐私保护措施, 澳门赌场导航娱乐向您收集的信息以及澳门赌场导航娱乐如何处理您的数据.
本声明适用于澳门新濠娱乐开户的网站 jya5.julehui.net 以及澳门新濠娱乐开户拥有和控制的网站网络,”澳门新濠娱乐开户的网站”).
本声明不适用于与就业相关或个人信息, collected in the scope of employment or in 连接ion to duties performed on behalf of 澳门新濠娱乐开户, 来自或关于现任或前任雇员的, 承包商, 志愿者, 博士后, 以及其他相关的澳门新濠娱乐开户代表.
Some 澳门新濠娱乐开户的网站 may have specific privacy statements concerning the collection and 使用 of your personal data. 在适用情况下, all 澳门新濠娱乐开户 faculty and 工作人员 contributing to 澳门新濠娱乐开户的网站 are requested to post more specific privacy statements relevant to the collection and 使用 of personal information associated with those sites. Those specific privacy statements should be approved by University Communications prior to their publication.
澳门新濠娱乐开户 may collect any personal information you directly and voluntarily share with us through 澳门新濠娱乐开户 online platforms, 例如电子邮件门户, 在线表单, 电子调查. This personal information may include your name and contact information, purchasing information (e.g.(信用卡信息),或社会安全号码. 通过提供这些个人信息,您承认, 在联邦或州法律允许的地方, 澳门新濠娱乐开户 may 使用 this information for the express purposes for which the information was provided, 管理的目的, 以及改善澳门新濠娱乐开户提供的服务和在线内容.
当你参观澳门新濠娱乐开户遗址时, 澳门赌场导航娱乐使用网站跟踪技术自动收集您的信息, 包括但不限于Google Analytics.
收集的信息包括您访问的澳门新濠娱乐开户网站, 每次访问的日期和时间, 在访问澳门赌场导航娱乐的网站之前或之后访问的网站, 用于访问澳门赌场导航娱乐网站的浏览器和IP地址, 浏览详情,包括进行的查册查询, 以及其他相关信息.
此外,澳门新濠娱乐开户还通过使用cookie向您收集信息. cookie是存储在计算机上的小文件, and are 使用d to assist us personalize your online experience by saving your preferences for future 访问s and improving services and online content.
通过参观澳门新濠娱乐开户遗址, 你承认这一点, 在联邦或州法律允许的地方, 澳门新濠娱乐开户可能会收集这些信息以提供帮助, manage and improve online content to deliver the best 使用r experience; provide, customize and personalize communications and market our activities to you; as well as to protect 澳门新濠娱乐开户 networks from unauthorized or harmful activities, 如网络系统安全漏洞等有害威胁.
除非另有规定, 澳门新濠娱乐开户网站不是为13岁以下的儿童设计的. 另外, 澳门新濠娱乐开户 does not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from children under the age of 13.
In limited instances where an 澳门新濠娱乐开户 website does collect personal information from children online, 澳门新濠娱乐开户 will make reasonable efforts to ensure that a parent or guardian of the child receives notice of 澳门新濠娱乐开户 privacy practices concerning their child’s personal information. 此外, those websites will have privacy statements notifying parents of privacy practices concerning personal information collected and other related privacy practices.
澳门新濠娱乐开户 faculty and 工作人员 that maintain 澳门新濠娱乐开户的网站 are required to notify University Communications of any websites they maintain that are intended and designed for children.
澳门新濠娱乐开户 works with many vendors and other partners who assist us with our daily operations. 澳门赌场导航娱乐获得的信息, 如上所述, will only be shared with these third parties to perform services on behalf of 澳门新濠娱乐开户. Third party organizations may not 使用 the information we provide them for any purpose other than those reasons expressly permitted in contractual agreements with 澳门新濠娱乐开户, 如本声明所述, 或法律另有规定.
本声明仅适用于从澳门新濠娱乐开户网站收集的信息. 澳门新濠娱乐开户的网站 may contain hyperlinks or other website references that direct you to third party websites that are not owned or controlled by 澳门新濠娱乐开户. 澳门赌场导航娱乐不对这些第三方网站的隐私惯例或内容负责, 包括教师的独立网站, 工作人员, 或者不属于澳门新濠娱乐开户的学生.
符合适用的隐私和数据安全法律, 澳门新濠娱乐开户发展起来了, 实现了, 并维持行政管理, technical and physical security measures to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of personal information we receive. This information is safeguarded to prevent unauthorized personnel and other parties from accessing, 使用, 或修改您的个人信息. 尽管澳门赌场导航娱乐尽了最大努力防止未经授权的访问, no security measure is impenetrable and 澳门新濠娱乐开户 does not guarantee that these safeguards will protect your personal information.
澳门新濠娱乐开户, 作为北卡罗来纳州的一个机构, 是否需要遵守北卡罗来纳州的公共记录法, 以及其他州和联邦的记录披露要求.
所有的记录, 包括电子邮件, 澳门新濠娱乐开户 receives in 连接ion with the transaction of university business are subject to public disclosure, 除非有法律依据要求对记录保密. 即使是在记录需要保密的情况下, 澳门新濠娱乐开户 may be required to disclose this information to comply with state and federal law.
澳门新濠娱乐开户保留实践受州和联邦法律的要求, 以及制度政策. 欲了解更多关于澳门赌场导航娱乐的保留做法的信息,请访问澳门新濠娱乐开户 记录管理.
If you are present in a European Economic Area (EEA) or any country that is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), then you may be entitled to certain rights pertaining to the processing of personal information collected from you during your time in that country. 如果是这样的话, the processing of your personal information will be conducted pursuant to a lawful basis as prescribed in the GDPR, 包括但不限于同意, 履行合同的必要性, 合法利益的必要性, 或者法律合规.
根据GDPR, 您可以对处理您的个人信息享有以下权利:
- 确认澳门新濠娱乐开户是否处理您的个人信息的权利;
- 有权要求访问您的个人信息, 包括加工的目的, 处理的个人资料类别, information about third parties with whom 澳门新濠娱乐开户 may disclose your personal information, 您个人信息的保存期限;
- 转移您个人信息的权利;
- 限制澳门新濠娱乐开户如何处理您的个人信息的权利;
- Right to request correction of your personal information that is incomplete or inaccurate;
- 在有限的情况下要求删除您的个人信息的权利;
- Right to object to the collection, processing, retention or 使用 of your personal information;
- Right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal information in matters where processing was based on consent;
- Right not be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing including profiling; and
- 向适当的监管机构提出投诉的权利, 包括欧洲经济区国家或其他受GDPR约束的国家.
如果你选择行使这些权利, 澳门赌场导航娱乐可能无法有效地为你提供大学服务. 另外, we may be required to deny your requests to meet state and federal legal obligations. 有关GDPR和您的权利的更多信息,请访问 澳门新濠娱乐开户GDPR隐私声明.
澳门新濠娱乐开户遵守适用的联邦和州法律, 以及UNC系统和澳门新濠娱乐开户政策, 供收藏, 使用, 以及个人信息的披露. 在适用法律允许的情况下, 澳门新濠娱乐开户 may disclose personal information to third parties when compelled by law or to protect the safety and security of the 澳门新濠娱乐开户 community or property.
本隐私声明可随时修改,恕不另行通知. 澳门新濠娱乐开户 encourages you to review this website periodically to ensure you have read the most updated statement. 当法律要求时,澳门新濠娱乐开户将通知您任何变更.
If you have any questions or concerns about the collection and processing of your personal data, 请发邮件到 privacy@julehui.net.